Josh Herigon

Pediatric infectious diseases & clinical infomatics doc at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.

Interested in the intersection of medicine and technology.

Clinical Practice Guideline Smartphone App

During his first years in medical school, Josh worked with physicians at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City to develop an iPhone app based on the hospital’s clinical practice guideline for pneumonia. This app was released early in 2011. It was the first smartphone app released by Children’s Mercy. It was downloaded by thousands of health care professionals around the world. review of app

Two years after the release of the pneumonia guideline app, Josh undertook redevelopment of this app and released an updated version called iGuidelines. This new version included three additional clinical practice guidelines from Children's Mercy. iGuidelines was released in 2013. Plans were made to further expand the offering of guidelines in the app.

While Josh was completing his residency and fellowships, other members took over the development of this app and eventually produced PedsGuide. PedsGuide today is under active development and is supported by the Center for Pediatric Innovation at Children’s Mercy. Josh continues to be an active part of its development and has most recently worked on the Febrile Infant and Congenital Syphilis tools

Verily and Boston Children’s MedTimeLine

During his fellowship, Josh helped lead a collaborative project between Boston Children’s Hospital and Google’s Verily Life Sciences to create a SMART on FHIR app integrating the most common clinical data streams used for infectious diseases consultations into a single unified timeline view in order to reduce the cognitive burden for clinicians. Code and a demo are available on GitHub.

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